The game consists of 21 quests (such as following the treasure map) to guide participants to the final grand prize of 2,100 $NETU21.

Each of the activities is designed to lead the owners of $NETU21 by the hand in a crusade to value the token and learn about all its functionalities and utilities in the real world.

The final prize in the last activity will be 2,100 $NETU21, regardless of all the amounts that you have acquired or generated during all the activities.

These are not random giveaways or prizes!

One of the main philosophies within NETU21 is that betting only helps the creators of the casino, and always leaves a bad taste in the mouth of everyone who participated and never won anything.

NETU21 is created with the mutual benefit of each of those who participate in the token in mind. That is why it is called "A network for you of 21". Which means that there will always be at least 21 people who are helping you with your finances with their activities.

Each activity has a period of execution time, some activities will be 21 days and others 21 hours, in each activity the rules of the game will be reported.

Another important aspect is that to participate in each of the activities, the participant must have at least 2 Token in their wallet for the total number of activities that have already taken place. That is, For activity 2, the participant must have at least 2 $NETU21 Token in his wallet... for activity 3, he must have at least 6 tokens in his wallet.

If for some reason the participant has not been able to be in the previous activities and began to participate in an advanced moment of the game, he can do so, he simply must acquire or buy the tokens that he needs to continue in the current activity.

The general intention of the NETU21 Game is for token holders to learn about all the advantages, functionalities and utilities of the NETU21 ecosystem and, of course, generate wealth in the process.

The Quest list:

1. Quest 1: Give me my chips!

2. Quest 2: Raise the Flag!

3. Quest 3: Soon...

4. Quest 4: Soon...

5. Quest 5: Soon...

6. Quest 6: Soon...

7. Quest 7: Soon...

8. Quest 8: Soon...

9. Quest 9: Soon...

10. Quest 10: Soon...

11. Quest 11: Soon...

12. Quest 12: Soon...

13. Quest 13: Soon...

14. Quest 14: Soon...

15. Quest 15: Soon...

16. Quest 16: Soon...

17. Quest 17: Soon...

18. Quest 18: Soon...

19. Quest 19: Soon...

20. Quest 20: Soon...

21. Quest 21: Get the Treasure!